Work With Me

Hey there, I'm Jaime Blair. 

I make coaches amazing at talking about what they do!



Ah! Tell me how you do it.
Do your personal brand & messaging have the charisma of a cardboard cutout?

Real talk: there are approximately eight-hundred-ninety-three bazillion coaches in your industry who say the same shit.

You might be one of them. 

I'm here to tell you it’s not your fault!

You’re not expected to be brilliant at branding.

You aren’t trained in copywriting.

You’re a rockstar coach! Whether you help transform their business, mindset, body, or emotional well-being — you facilitate massive transformation and seismic shifts in your clients. That’s where you shine! With each client, you're creating your legacy.

The gifts you have to offer the world are too important to have your message muffled out by a chorus of heart-centered coaches empowering women to live their best lives. 

Your work is greater than squishy transformational speak.

Let's make you incomparable. 

I'm going to help you talk about what you do to inspire more hell yesses from your dream clients and enjoy more pinch-me-they're perfect referrals from your network. 

Personal Brand + Messaging Program
for Coaches & Consultants

How To Talk About What You Do

Learn to talk about your work so you

• stand out from the crowd •

• inspire more hell yesses from dream clients •

• get more referrals from everyone else •


Make me amazing at
talking about what I do! 🎉

Client Love 


As a fractional CMO, I've managed a lot of branding, copywriting and messaging initiatives for clients over the years. Working with Jaime has been a dream.

I commissioned her services to support a rebranding project, which required overhauling all services pages. We didn't just need simple copywriting, we needed help crafting a compelling narrative that would resonate with our ideal client.

Jaime understood the assignment and was a true partner in the project. She dug into the transformation clients experienced in working with us while challenging us to get clear on the true value provided at each level of service.

The result is we now have clear messaging that makes even complex concepts feel accessible and — dare I say? — irresistible.

We immediately began testing the messaging at networking events, speaking engagements, and on social media.

The difference in response compared to how we used to talk about our offers is incredible. Connection calls have increased and the sales cycle has gotten shorter.

All thanks to Jaime's ability to help us convey what makes what we do different from others in the marketplace.

Tonya Kubo | Online Community Strategy and Management | Marketing and Operations

Hey there! I'm Jaime. 

As a brand + messaging coach and copywriter for the past 14 years, my brain is hardwired to help coaches and consultants like you enchant (and sign) prospective dream clients and receive lots of pinch-me-they're-perfect referrals from your network — all by learning to talk about what you do with precision and passion.

In other news, here are some useless facts about me:

🇲🇹 I'm a habitual expat currently based on the tiny island nation of Malta.

💺 Airplane seat mates feel compelled to tell me their most traumatic life story, every time.

🏕️ I've never been camping (and never will).

🤿 Snorkeling sends me into a panic attack.

☕️ Drinks of choice: iced black coffee, Hugo spritz, bright red wine (water in between).

😼 I'm a childless cat lady under the rule of a mercurial 16-pound Panamanian feline.

✨ ☼♌︎ ☽♈︎ ↑♌︎

Let's be penpals 💌


 Sign up below for my emails so we can keep in touch.

I share all my favorite ideas about how to show up in your business unapologetically as yourself and make all the right people fall in love with you (aka brand strategy).

Maaaybe some stuff about cat + wine bars, fleeing the country, and bootlegging gin. You'll have to sign up and see. xo

Prefer to send me an email? 📮

 If you have any questions or just want to drop me a line: [email protected]